How to Make a Salami Rose for a Charcuterie Board

I have recently discovered this charcuterie hack that is soo fun and easy.  I’m going to share it with you all so you can have fun with it as well.

All you need is some salami and a cup.  The size of your finished rose will be determined by the size of your cup.  You can use a shot glass and smaller slices of salami to make smaller flowers.  I used a regular size drinking glass and my salami circles were about 3 to 4 inches across.  I used approximately 15 salami slices.

You fold the first slice over the cup edge.  Pinch it together against the glass. The tighter your first slices are pinched the more flower like it looks. If you let the first slices just loosely draped over the cup it has more of a cone shape appearance instead of individual petals.  Add your next slice overlapping the first slice.  Keep adding slices the same way going around the cup as you go and continuing to overlap each slice with the previous one.

Keep adding until the center hole has mostly closed up.  Support it with your hand while you flip the cup over.  Place it upside down on your board and remove the cup.  And there you have it!

I am including a video version so you can picture it better.

